Last Look mirror

I’ve been an Etsy member/seller since 2006, and in all that time I’ve surprisingly never made a purchase! That changed recently thanks to an Etsy gift card, and I picked up two beautiful pieces from Meg A. Myers Designs. I love the copper on the pyramid and that has me thinking about the copper mirror , but I went with the black shown below. The mirror is going by the front door while the pyramid will hang in the kitchen window where I can see it often.

Hanging Pyramid Suncatcher

         Last Look Mirror  and   Hanging Pyramid Suncatcher from Meg A. Myers Designs

Not to sound like a ole bitty, but in the early Etsy days Blogs, Instagram, Facebook and twitter either didn’t exist or weren’t as widely used as they are today. Etsy and social media have changed a lot over the last few years, and I’m constantly amazed at the opportunities we have as artist to self promote. I’m looking forward to purchasing more handmade pieces!

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